Catch Me If You Can | Fall Out Boy |

Catch Me If You Can

Testo Catch Me If You Can

White sands swollen glands
Paris Tokyo New New New York M-M-M-M-Mexico
It‘s plastic woo oh ooh, oho
Stay tragic woo oh ooh, oho
Proclamation of emancipation
Oh dear lord
Let me into heaven for just an afternoon.

Oh, I‘ve seen the end
I can‘t go to sleep without ambien
Seem so high they call me mister goodbye
Say catch me if you can, Catch catch me if you can

Lets talk about the scene for a minute,
I know we ain‘t been seen in a minute,
We left it for a minute now we all up in it
Baby boy if you‘ve got them big dreams go and get it,
Never been the type with tight jeans, I wont fit it ( Woo oh ooh)
When I see those scene girls, (Oho) bet they all gonna get it
And I‘m living clean (Woo oh ooh)
Now a lot of ya‘ll won‘t get it (Oho)
Now it‘s mean but I don‘t give a damn if ya‘ll don‘t get it
So fresh and so clean in my new jean (Woo oh ooh)
While I‘m laughing at the bacon, (Oho) you‘re all crying a the clinic
I read a couple blogs (Woo oh ooh) and they had my ass livid
But now I‘ve got my own to whirl, (Oho) gotta live with it
Never played basketball, but I could show you how to pivot
Make your moves in that black hatch back Honda Civic
Like I did in high school, wishin‘ I could relive it
But I can‘t so let‘s go on, give the hook a revisit.

Oh, I‘ve seen the end
I can‘t go to sleep without ambien
Seem so high they call me mister goodbye
Say catch me if you can, Catch catch me if you can

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