Centuries | Fall Out Boy | Supertesti.it


Testo Centuries

Du du du du-du du duDu du du du du-du du duSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me, for centuriesJust one mistakeIs all it will takeWe‘ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyRemember me for centuriesMummified my teenage dreamsNo, it‘s nothing wrong with meThe kids are all wrong, the story‘s all offHeavy metal broke my heartCome on, come on, and let me inBruises on your thighs like my fingerprintsAnd this is supposed to matchThe darkness that you feltI never meant for you to fix yourselfSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me, for centuriesJust one mistakeIs all it will takeWe‘ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyRemember me for centuriesAnd I can‘t stop ‘til the whole world knows my nameCause I was only born inside my dreamsUntil you die for me, as long as there‘s a light, my shadow‘s over youCause I am the opposite of amnesiaAnd you‘re a cherry blossomYou‘re about to bloomYou look so pretty, but you‘re gone so soonSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me, for centuriesJust one mistakeIs all it will takeWe‘ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyRemember me for centuriesWe‘ve been here foreverAnd here‘s the frozen proofI could scream foreverWe are the poisoned youthSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me, for centuriesJust one mistakeIs all it will takeWe‘ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyRemember me for centuries

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