Death Valley | Fall Out Boy |

Death Valley

Testo Death Valley

I wanna see your animal sideLet it all outI wanna see the dirtUnder your skinI need your broken promisesI want the guts and glory babyThis town is wasted and aloneBut we are aliveHere in death valleyBut don‘t take love off the table yetCause tonight it‘s just fire alarms and losing youWe love a lotSo we only lose a littleBut we are aliveI wanna see your animal sideLet it all outOh there you go; undress to impressYou can wear the crown but you‘re no princessSo put the ‘/‘D‘/‘ in dirt now baby, babyLet‘s get you wasted and aloneBut we are aliveHere in death valleyBut don‘t take love off the table yetCause tonight it‘s just fire alarms and losing youWe love a lotSo we only lose a littleBut we are aliveWe‘re gonna dieIt‘s just a matter of timeHard times comeGood times goI‘m either gone in an instantOr here til the bitter endI never knowWhat I‘ve got will make you feel more aliveI‘ll be your favorite drug I will get you highI will get you highBut we are aliveHere in death valleyBut don‘t take love off the table yetCause tonight it‘s just fire alarms and losing youWe love a lotSo we only lose a littleBut we are alive

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