Favorite Record | Fall Out Boy | Supertesti.it

Favorite Record

Testo Favorite Record

Do - you, do - do you rememberWhen we drove, we drove, drove through the nightAnd we danced, we danced to RancidAnd we danced, we dancedAnd I confessed, confessedTo you riding shot-gunUnderneath the purple skiesAnd we danced, we dancedWith windows downAnd we danced, we danced[spin for you like your favorite records used to][Spin for you like your favorite records used to]You were the song stuck in my headEvery song that I‘ve ever lovedPlay it again, and again, and againAnd you can get what you want but it is never enoughAnd I spin for you like your favorite records used toAnd I spin for you like your favorite records used toAnd I can‘t, I can‘tI can‘t remember just how to forgetForget the way that we dancedWe danced to DanzigAand we danced, we dancedAnd when you ask, you ask me how I‘m doingLike you know, you know how much better off I amAnd when we danced, we dancedWith windows downAnd we danced, we danced[Spin for you like your favorite records used to][Spin for you like your favorite records used to]You were the song stuck in my headEvery song that I‘ve ever lovedPlay it again, and again, and againAnd you can get what you want but it is never enoughAnd I spin for you like your favorite records used toAnd I spin for you like your favorite records used toI spin, I spin, I spin, I spinFor you, for you, for you, for you, for yoooooou-oooh-oh[spin for you like your favorite records used to, used to, used to][spin for you like your favorite records used to, used to, used to]

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