Fellowship Of The Nerd | Fall Out Boy | Supertesti.it

Fellowship Of The Nerd

Testo Fellowship Of The Nerd

This might just be a waste of time
but theres no one i‘d rather
waste my time with than all my best friends
to stop this horror

we‘ll all take turns not for the worst
we‘re all has-beens and never-weres
we‘re all in the back singing roxanne
just once in my passersby (passersby)

as if we had enough to try to kiss her
enough to make up for lost time
enough to make up for lost time

we been down, we been out, we been hanging round.
we been to the no time left in the game.
stop moving, get me out of this one horse town.
wasted star

we been down, we been out, we been hanging round.
we been to the no time left in the game.
stop moving, get me out of this one horse town.
wasted star, wasted star

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