Fourth Of July | Fall Out Boy |

Fourth Of July

Testo Fourth Of July

It was the fourth of JulyYou and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworksThat went off too soonAnd I miss you in the June gloom tooIt was the fourth of JulyYou and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworksI said I‘d never miss youBut I guess you never know may the bridges I have burnedOn my way back home on the fourth of JulyI‘ll be as honest as you‘ll let meI miss your early morning companyIf you get meYou are my favorite what ifYou are my best I‘ll never knowAnd I‘m starting to forgetJust what summer ever meant to you?What did it ever mean to you?Oh I‘m sorry I didn‘t mean any of itI just got too lonely, lonely, whoaIn between being young and being rightYou were my Versailles at nightIt was the fourth of JulyYou and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworksThat went off too soonAnd I miss you in the June gloom tooIt was the fourth of JulyYou and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworksI said I‘d never miss youBut I guess you never know may the bridges I have burnedOn my way back home on the fourth of JulyMy 9 to 5 is cutting open old scarsAgain and again till I‘m stuck in your headHad my doubts but I let them outYou are the droughtAnd I‘m the holy water you have been withoutAnd all my thoughts of youThey could heat or cool the roomAnd no, don‘t tell me you criedOh Honey, you don‘t have to lieOh I‘m sorry I didn‘t mean any of itI just got too lonely, lonely, whoaIn between being young and being rightYou were my Versailles at nightIt was the fourth of JulyYou and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworksThat went off too soonAnd I miss you in the June gloom tooIt was the fourth of JulyYou and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworksI said I‘d never miss youBut I guess you never know may the bridges I have burnedOn my way back home on the fourth of JulyI wish I‘d known how much you loved meI wish I cared enough to knowI‘m sorry every song‘s about youThe torture of small talk with someone you used to loveIt was the fourth of JulyYou and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworksThat went off too soonAnd I miss you in the June gloom tooIt was the fourth of JulyYou and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworksI said I‘d never miss youBut I guess you never know may the bridges I have burnedOn my way back home on the fourth of July

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