Homesick At Spacecamp | Fall Out Boy |

Homesick At Spacecamp

Testo Homesick At Spacecamp

Landing on a runway in Chicago and I‘m grounding all my dreams
of ever really seeing California, because I know what‘s in between
is something sensual in such non-conventional ways.
Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can‘t say.

Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can‘t say.
(Tonight I‘m writing you) a million miles away

Tonight is all about "We miss you" (We miss you, We miss you, We miss you)
Tonight is all about "We miss you"
And I can‘t forget your style or your cynicism,
somehow it was like you were the first to listen to everything we said.
My smile‘s an open wound without you...and my hands are tied to pages inked to bring you back.

Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can‘t say.
(Tonight I‘m writing you) a million miles away

Tonight is all about "We miss you" (We miss you, We miss you, We miss you)
Tonight is all about "We miss you now"

These friends are, new friends are golden [x4]

Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can‘t say.
Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can‘t say.
Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can‘t say.
These friends are, new friends are golden

Playlist Spotify

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