Immortals | Fall Out Boy |


Testo Immortals

They say we are what we areBut we don‘t have to beI‘m bad behavior but I do it in the best wayI‘ll be the watcher of the eternal flameI‘ll be the guard dog of all your fever dreamsI am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass)I‘ll try to picture me without you but I can‘tCause we could be immortals, immortalsJust not for long, for longLive with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains downJust not for long, for longWe could be immortalsImmortalsSometimes the only payoff for having any faithIs when it‘s tested again and again everydayI‘m still comparing your past to my futureIt might be your wound, but they‘re my suturesI am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass)I‘ll try to picture me without you but I can‘tCause we could be immortals, immortalsJust not for long, for longLive with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains downJust not for long, for longWe could be immortalsImmortalsAnd if we meet forever now, pull the blackout curtains downWe could be immortals, immortalsJust not for long, for longWe could be immortalsImmortals

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