Jet Pack Blues | Fall Out Boy |

Jet Pack Blues

Testo Jet Pack Blues

I got those jet pack bluesJust like JudyThe kind that makes June feel like SeptemberI‘m the last one that you‘ll ever rememberAnd I‘m trying to find my peace of mindBehind these two-way highway linesWhen the city goes silentThe ringing in my ears gets violentShe‘s in a long black coat tonightWaiting for me in the downpour outsideShe‘s singing, "Baby, come home" in a melody of tearsWhile the rhythm of the rain keeps timeAnd I rememberBaby, come homeBaby, come homeBaby, come homeBaby, come homeDid you ever love her?Do you know?Or did you never want to be alone?And she was singing, "Baby, come home""Baby, come home"I‘ve got those jet pack bluesFight off the light and just stay with meHoney, don‘t you leaveDon‘t you remember how we used to split a drinkIt never mattered what it was, I thinkOur hands were just that closeThe sweetness never lasted, noShe‘s in a long black coat tonightWaiting for me in the downpour outsideShe‘s singing, "Baby, come home" in a melody of tearsWhile the rhythm of the rain keeps timeAnd I rememberBaby, come homeBaby, come homeBaby, come homeBaby, come homeDid you ever love her?Do you know?Or did you never want to be alone?And she was singing, "Baby, come home""Baby, come home"She‘s in a long black coat tonightWaiting for me in the downpour outsideShe‘s singing, "Baby, come home" in a melody of tearsWhile the rhythm of the rain keeps timeAnd I rememberBaby, come homeBaby, come homeBaby, come homeBaby, come homeDid you ever love her?Do you know?Or did you never want to be alone?And she was singing, "Baby, come home""Baby, come home"

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