Lake Effect Kid | Fall Out Boy |

Lake Effect Kid

Testo Lake Effect Kid

(From Citizens FOB Mixtape: Welcome To The New Administration)

Sometimes when I‘m in heaven
I get the kid full lovelier
Until I end big, like real-life poison bloods
The heat is on
Speak soft when the seat is down

I got a pocket full of deadliness
Opium den mother, forget my head
At the dead-end of unsteadiness
Box blondes have less fun

Boomerang my head
Back to the city I grew up in
Again and again and again
Forever a lake effect kid

I got the skyline in my veins
Forget your night times
Summer love on a gurney with a squeaky wheel
And joke us, joke us
‘Til "Lake Shore Drive" comes back into focus
I just want to come back to lying sparks into your ear
to keep you warm and mine

I got a pocket full of deadliness
Opium den mother, forget my head
At the dead-end of unsteadiness
Box blondes have less fun, fun

Boomerang my head
Back to the city I grew up in
Again and again
Forever a lake effect kid

Boomerang my head
Back to the city I grew up in
Again and again and again
Forever a lake effect kid

Boomerang my head
Back to the city I grew up in
Again and again and again
Forever a lake effect kid

Boomerang my head
Back to the city I grew up in
Again and again and again
Forever a lake effect kid

Playlist Spotify

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