Miss Missing You | Fall Out Boy | Supertesti.it

Miss Missing You

Testo Miss Missing You

Don‘t panicNo, not yetI know I‘m the one you want to forgetCue all the love to leave my heartIt‘s time for me to fall apartNow you‘re goneBut I‘ll be okayYour hot whiskey eyesHave fanned the flamesMaybe I‘ll burn a little brighter tonightLet the fire breathe me back to lifeBaby, you were my picket fenceI miss missing you now and thenChlorine kissed summer skinI miss missing you now and thenSometimes before it gets betterThe darkness gets biggerThe person that you‘d take a bullet for is behind the triggerOhWe‘re fading fastI miss missing you now and thenMaking eyes at this husk around my heartI see through you when we‘re sitting in the darkSo give me your filthMake it roughLet me, let me trash your loveI will sing to you every dayIf it will take away the painOh and I‘ve heard you got it, got it so badCause I am the best you‘ll never haveBaby, you were my picket fenceI miss missing you now and thenChlorine kissed summer skinI miss missing you now and thenSometimes before it gets betterThe darkness gets biggerThe person that you‘d take a bullet for is behind the triggerOhWe‘re fading fastI miss missing you now and thenBaby, you were my picket fenceI miss missing you now and then

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