Pavlove | Fall Out Boy |


Testo Pavlove

Oh, oh, oh-oh [x4]

Something make my chest stir
Something make my head blur
(oh, oh)
I‘m not ready for a handshake with death, no
(oh, oh)
I‘m just such a happy mess, whoa

The drums are four on the floor
She‘s back to the bedroom for one more

I‘m the invisible man
Who can‘t stop staring at the mirror, at the mirror

I want to make you as lonely as me
So you can get, get addicted to this,
You can get, get addicted to this now

Oh, oh, oh-oh [x4]

It‘s three things too late to talk to anyone but myself
(oh, oh)
It‘s a three-and-two pitch to walk to anywhereelse, no

The drums are four on the floor
She‘s back to the bathroom/bedroom for one more

I‘m the invisible man
Who can‘t stop staring at the mirror, at the mirror

I want to make you as lonely as me
So you can get, get addicted to this,
You can get, get addicted to this now

Oh, oh, oh-oh [x4]

I‘m the invisible man
Who can‘t stop staring at the mirror, at the mirror

I want to make you as lonely as me
So you can get, get addicted to this
You can get, get addicted to this now

I‘m the invisible man (I‘m the invisible man)
I‘m the invisible man (I‘m the invisible man)
I want to make you as lonely as me,
Cause I‘m the invisible man

I‘m the invisible man

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