Rat A Tat | Fall Out Boy | Supertesti.it

Rat A Tat

Testo Rat A Tat

It‘s Courtney, bitch.No thesis existed for burning cities down at such a rampant rateNo graphics and no fucking powerpoint presentationSo they just DIY‘d that shit and built their own bombsShe‘s his suicide blond, she‘s never in goldAre you ready for another bad poem?One more off key anthemLet your teeth sink inRemember me as I was not as I amAnd I said "I‘ll check in tomorrow if I don‘t wake up dead,"I kept wishing she had blonde ambition and she‘d let it go to my headRat a tat tatRat a tat tat tat heyIf my love is a weaponThere‘s no second guessing when I sayRat a tat tatRat a tat tat tat heyIf my heart is a grenadeYou pull the pin and say:We‘re all fighting growing oldWe‘re all fighting growing oldIn the hopesOf a few minutes moreTo get on St. Peter‘s listBut you need to lower your standardsCause it‘s neverGetting any better than thisWe are professional ashes of rosesThis kerosene‘s liveYou settled your scoreThis is where you come to beg, unborn and unshavenKilling fields of fire to a congress of ravensThis is what we do, we nightmare youI‘m about to make the sweat roll backwardsAnd your heart beat in reverseOur guts can‘t be reworkedAs alone as a little white church in the middle of the desertGetting burnedBut I‘ll take your heart served up two waysI sing a bitter songI‘m the lonelier version of youI just don‘t know where it went wrongRat a tat tatRat a tat tat tat heyIf my love is a weaponThere‘s no second guessing when I sayRat a tat tatRat a tat tat tat heyIf my heart is a grenadeYou pull the pin and say:We‘re all fighting growing oldWe‘re all fighting growing oldIn the hopesOf a few minutes moreTo get on St. Peter‘s listBut you need to lower your standardsCause it‘s neverGetting any better than thisIt‘s neverGetting any better than thisIt‘s neverGetting any better than thisIt‘s neverGetting any better than thisShe‘s sick and she‘s wrongShe‘s young dirty blondeAnd you sink inside her like a suicide bombHe says "I‘ve seen bigger"She says "I‘ve lit better"And they throw the matches down into the glitterNot a dry eye left in the houseGo boy, go boy, run for your lifeGo boy, go boy, run for your lifeGo boy, go boy, run for your lifeWe‘re all fighting growing oldWe‘re all fighting growing oldIn the hopesOf a few minutes moreTo get on St. Peter‘s listBut you need to lower your standardsCause it‘s neverGetting any better than thisIt‘s neverGetting any better than thisIt‘s neverGetting any better than thisIt‘s neverGetting any better than this

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