Save Rock And Roll | Fall Out Boy |

Save Rock And Roll

Testo Save Rock And Roll

Until your breathing stops, stopsUntil your breathing stops, stops, stopsUntil your-your-your-your, foreverI need more dreamsAnd less lifeAnd I need that darkIn a little more lightI cried tears you‘ll never seeSo fuck you, you can go cry me an oceanAnd leave me beYou are what you loveNot who loves youIn a world full of the word yesI‘m here to screamNoWherever I goTrouble seems to followOnly plugged in to save rock and rollNoWherever I goTrouble seems to followOnly plugged in to save rock and rollUntil your breathing stops, stopsUntil your breathing stops, stops, stopsUntil your-your-your-your, foreverBlood brothers in desperationAn oath of silenceFor the voice of our generationWoahHow‘d it get to be only me?Like I‘m the last damn kid still kickingThat still believesI will defend the faithGoing down swingingI will save the songsThe songs we can‘t stop singingNoWherever I goTrouble seems to followOnly plugged in to save rock and rollNoWherever I goTrouble seems to followOnly plugged in to save rock and rollOh no, we won‘t goWe don‘t know when to quit, no, noOh no, we won‘t goWe don‘t know when to quit, no, noOh no, we won‘t goWe don‘t know when to quit, no, noOh no, we won‘t goWe don‘t know when to quit, no, noYou are what you loveNot who loves youIn a world full of the word yesI‘m here to screamNoWherever I goTrouble seems to followOnly plugged in to save rock and rollNoWherever I goTrouble seems to followOnly plugged in to save rock and rollOh no, we won‘t goWe don‘t know when to quit, no, noOh no, we won‘t goWe don‘t know when to quit, no, noOh no, we won‘t goWe don‘t know when to quit, no, noOh no, we won‘t goWe don‘t know when to quit, no, noOh no, we won‘t goWe don‘t know when to quit, no, noOh no, we won‘t goWe don‘t know when to quit, no, no

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