Save Your Generation | Fall Out Boy |

Save Your Generation

Testo Save Your Generation

[Originally by Jawbreaker]

I have a present,
It is a present,
You‘ll have to learn to find it within you,
If you could learn,
To love it you just might like it,
You cant live without it,
Theres a million open windows,
Passing these opened windows,
Passing these opened windows,
Whaoh, Whaoh, Whaoh [x2]
There is plenty,
To critice,
It gets so easy to narrow these eyes,
But these eyes will stay wide,
I will stay young,
Young and dumb inside,
I had just begun,
To forget my lines,
Your a punk and Im tellin everyone
You could save yourself,
you could save us all,
Go on living, prove us wrong,
Your leap of faith,
Could be a well - timed smile,
Survival never goes out of style,
I have a message: save your generation,
We‘re killing each other by sleeping in,
Finnegan, begin again,
This one can be won,
One can become two,
Two can pick and choose,
You could be the first,
You could save yourself,
you could save us all,
Go on living, prove us wrong,
Your leap of faith,
Could be a well - timed smile,
Survival never goes out of style,
You have to learn to learn from your mistakes,
You can afford to lose a little face,
The things you break,
Some can‘t be replaced,
A simple rule: every day be sure you wake,
You could save yourself,
you could save us all,
Go on living, prove us wrong,
Your leap of faith,
Could be a well - timed smile,
Survival never goes out of style.

Playlist Spotify

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