Start Today | Fall Out Boy |

Start Today

Testo Start Today

[Originally by Gorilla Biscuits]

Yesterday you were on my back just to get my time.
I guess it‘s not as precious as it seems.
Because I found the time for hanging out and talking on the phone.
What should I expect, now that my time is free
And you‘re nowhere to be found.

Next time I‘ll try,
For the first time in my life.
It won‘t pass me by.
Procrastinate it can wait, I put it off.
Let‘s start today.

My room‘s a mess and I can‘t get dressed.
I gotta be out by eight o‘clock.
Deep inside I know the answer.
Well there‘s no time like the present
And I‘d like to hang out but who doesn‘t.
I‘ve made enough mistakes for this lifetime.
Now I‘m here to make amends.

Next time I‘ll try,
For the first time in my life.
It won‘t pass me by.
Procrastinate it can wait, I put it off.

Next time I‘ll try,
For the first time in my life.
It won‘t pass me by.
Procrastinate it can wait, I put it off.

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