Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today | Fall Out Boy |

Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today

Testo Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today

Light that smoke, yeah, one for giving up on me
And one just cause they‘ll kill you sooner than my expectations
To my favorite liar, to my favorite scar (to my favorite scar):
I could have died with you
I hope you choke on those words, that kiss, that bottle- {I} confess (So bury me in memory)
Now ash yourself, yeah, out on the insides, {I} said I loved you but I lied

Let‘s play this game called when you catch fire
I wouldn‘t piss to put you out
Stop burning bridges and drive off of them
So I can forget about you

So bury me in memory
His smile‘s your rope
So wrap it tight around your throat

On the drive home
Joke about the kid you used to see
And his jealousy
Breaking hearts has never looked so cool
As when you wrap your car around a tree
Your makeup looks so great next to his teeth (his teeth)

Let‘s play this game called when you catch fire
I wouldn‘t piss to put you out, no
Stop burning bridges and drive off of them
So I can forget about you

So bury me in memory
His smile‘s your rope
So wrap it tight around your throat

So bury me in memory around your throat

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