Turnpike Gates | Fall Out Boy | Supertesti.it

Turnpike Gates

Testo Turnpike Gates

[Originally by Lifetime]

We would drag ourselves to bed.
And sleep took everything I had.
I kept it up till he would call.
You made me feel like a criminal.
And then there‘s you,
you kept a smile though I would always walk the wire.

You gave it all.
I gave you reason to have doubt.
I had to get out of there.
I took the stairs.
I don‘t wanna fight with you if I can‘t be the one to have you.
You sat that chair like a queen in the kitchen.
I memorized the lines your eyes made at every squint you shot my way.

We would drag ourselves to bed.
And sleep took everything I had.
I kept it up till he would call.
You made me feel like a criminal.
And then there‘s you,
you kept a smile though I would always walk the wire.

But you‘re miserable and I‘m useless,
always making up excuses.
I made you cry too many times.
So I‘m hanging up that line.
I‘m throwing rocks at your floor.
I‘m knocking down your front door.
I‘m desperate tonight and I just wanna fight.
It‘s my confusion that lets me act so cold.
So now I‘ll go, go, go.
And you wanna be just left alone.
Put down that phone, cause if you want me just call out "hey boy"

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