What A Catch, Donnie | Fall Out Boy | Supertesti.it

What A Catch, Donnie

Testo What A Catch, Donnie

I got troubled thoughtsAnd the self-esteem to matchWhat a catch, what a catchYou‘ll never catch usSo just let me beSaid I‘ll be fineTill the hospital or American EmbassyMiss Flack said I still want you backYeah, Miss Flack said I still want you backI got troubled thoughtsAnd the self-esteem to matchWhat a catch, what a catchAnd all I can think ofIs the way I‘m the oneWho charmed the oneWho gave up on youWho gave up on youThey say the captainGoes down with the shipSo, when the world endsWill God go down with it?Miss Flack said I still want you backYeah, Miss Flack said I still want you back I got troubled thoughtsAnd the self-esteem to matchWhat a catch, what a catchAnd all I can think ofIs the way I‘m the oneWho charmed the oneWho gave up on youWho gave up on youWhat a catchWhat a catchWhat a catchWhat a catchI will never end up like himBehind my back, I already amKeep a calendarThis way you will always knowI got troubled thoughtsAnd the self-esteem to matchWhat a catch, what a catchAnd all I can think ofIs the way I‘m the oneWho charmed the oneWho gave up on youWho gave up on youWhere is your boy tonight?I hope he is a gentlemanMaybe he won‘t find out what I knowYou were the last good thingWe‘re going down, down in an earlier roundAnd sugar, we‘re goin‘ down swingingDance, dance, we‘re falling apart to halftimeDance, dance, and these are the lives you‘d love to leadDance, this is the way they‘d loveIf they knew how misery loved meThis ain‘t a scene, it‘s a goddamn arms raceThis ain‘t a scene, it‘s a goddamn arms raceOne night and one more timeThanks for the memoriesEven though they weren‘t so greatHe tastes like you, only sweeterGrowing up, growing upI got troubled thoughtsAnd the self-esteem to matchWhat a catch, what a catch

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