Where Did The Party Go | Fall Out Boy | Supertesti.it

Where Did The Party Go

Testo Where Did The Party Go

Na, na, na, na, na, na,Na, na, na, naI‘m here to collect your hearts,It‘s the only reason that I singI don‘t believe a word you say,But I can‘t stop listeningThis is the story of how they met,Picture was on the back of a pack of cigarettes,And when she touched him he turned ruby redA story that they‘ll never forgetNever forgetAnd all the boys are smoking Menthols,Girls are getting back rubs,I will drift to you if you make yourself shake fast enoughMy old aches become new againMy old friends become exes againOh where did the party go?We were ending it on the phoneI‘m not gonna go home aloneWhere, where did the party go?Na, na, na, na, na, naNa, na, na, naI know I expect too muchAnd not enough all at onceYou know I only wanted funAnd you got me all fucked upOh noI looked for your name ouija boardAnd you‘re making magic oh dear lordYou and me are the difference between real loveAnd the love on TV, love on TVAnd all the boys are smoking Menthols,Girls are getting back rubs,I will drift to you if you make yourself shake fast enoughMy old aches become new againMy old friends become exes againOh where did the party go?We were ending it on the phoneI‘m not gonna go home aloneWhere, where did the party go?All the kids who screamed (we weren‘t the same)In sweaty roomsNow we‘re doomed to organizing walk-in closets like tombsSilent film stars stuck in talking cinema lightSo let‘s fade away together one dream at a timeNa, na, na, na, na, na,Na, na, na, naOh where did the party go?We were ending it on the phoneI‘m not gonna go home aloneWhere, where did the party go?Na, na, na, na, na, na,Na, na, na, naNa, na, na, na, na, na,Na, na, na, na

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