Young Volcanoes | Fall Out Boy |

Young Volcanoes

Testo Young Volcanoes

When Rome‘s in ruin,We are the lions free of the coliseumsIn poison places, we are empty venomWe‘re the beginning of the endTonight, the foxes hunt the houndsIt‘s all over nowBefore it has begunWe‘ve already wonWe are wildWe are like young volcanoesWe are wildAmericana, exoticaDo you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby?C‘mon, make it easy, say I never matteredRun it up the flag pole,We will teach you how to make boys next door out of assholesTonight, the foxes hunt the houndsIt‘s all over nowBefore it has begunWe‘ve already wonWe are wildWe are like young volcanoesWe are wildAmericana, exoticaDo you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby?We are wildWe are like young volcanoesWe are wildAmericana, exoticaexoticaDo you wanna feela little beautifulbaby?OhhhhOhhhhh

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