Yule Shoot Your Eye Out | Fall Out Boy | Supertesti.it

Yule Shoot Your Eye Out

Testo Yule Shoot Your Eye Out

These are your good years
don‘t take my advice
you never wanted the nice boys anyway
and I‘m of good cheer
cause I‘ve been checking my list
the gifts you‘re receiving from me
will be

one awkward silence
and two hopes you cry yourself to sleep
staying up, waiting by the phone
and all I want this year is for you to dedicate your last breathe to me
before you bury yourself alive

don‘t come home for Christmas
you‘re the last thing I wanna see
underneath the tree
merry Christmas, I could care less

happy new years baby
you owe me
the best gift I will ever ask for
don‘t call me up, when the snow comes down
its the only thing I want this year

one awkward silence
and two hopes you cry yourself to sleep
staying up, waiting by the phone
all I want this year is for you to dedicate your last breathe to me
before you bury yourself alive

don‘t come home for Christmas
you‘re the last thing I wanna see
underneath the tree
merry Christmas, I could care less

don‘t come home for Christmas
you‘re the last thing I wanna see
underneath the tree (don‘t come home for Christmas)
merry Christmas, I could care less

don‘t come home for Christmas
you‘re the last thing I wanna see
underneath the tree (don‘t come home for Christmas)
merry Christmas, I could care less

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