This Orient | Foals |

This Orient

Testo This Orient

And now it‘s just gone after dark
And we move to the other part of it
Secret part of your restless heart
To glide past every city light
Like a satellite careering through the sky

This colour, this summer night

It‘s your heart, it‘s your heart
That gives me this western feeling
It‘s your heart, it‘s your heart
That gives me this western feeling
Do you know, you give me
You give me this western feeling

now look back see how far you‘ve come
will you unravel in the sun
come undone find yr place
held up high said from string as well
no return to that anekatips restless place
you‘ve reached it you‘ve found your grace

It‘s your heart, it‘s your heart
That gives me this western feeling
It‘s your heart, it‘s your heart
That gives me this western feeling
Oh do you know, you give me
You give me this western feeling

It‘s your heart, it‘s your heart
That gives me this western feeling
It‘s your heart, it‘s your heart
That gives me this western feeling

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