Rope | Foo Fighters |

Testo Rope

This indecision got me climbing up the wallsI‘ve been cheating gravity and waiting on the fallsHow did this come over me, I thought I was above it allOur hopes gone up in smoke, swallow your crownOn a kiss, I thought I‘d save my breath for youOn a kiss, I thought I‘d save my breath for youGive me some rope I‘m coming loose,I‘m hanging on youGive me some rope I‘m coming loose, I‘m pulling for you nowGive me some rope I‘m coming, out of my head, into the clear when you, go,I, go, NoThese premonitions got me crying up a stormLeave your condition, this position does no harmOn a kiss, I thought I‘d save my breath for youOn a kiss, I thought I‘d save my breath for youGive me some rope I‘m coming loose, I‘m hanging on youGive me some rope I‘m coming loose, I‘m pulling for you nowGive me some rope I‘m coming, out of my head, into the clear when you, go,I, go, NoGive me some rope I‘m coming loose, I‘m hanging on youGive me some rope I‘m coming loose, I‘m pulling for you nowGive me some rope I‘m coming loose, I‘m pulling for you nowGive me some ropeout of my head, into the clear when you, go, I, go, No

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