This Is Not Real Love | George Michael |

This Is Not Real Love

Testo This Is Not Real Love

(Feat. Mutya Buena)

Don‘t kiss me, darling
I want you to hear the things I say
I loved you in my way
But you know I‘m gonna leave you
The clock was always ticking
And your heart,
Yes I know your heart is always on the run

I hate what I‘ve become
But I‘m still gonna leave you
And I don‘t think you should stay for the night

Baby you know that my flesh is weak
You know I simply

I cannot sleep without you
My heart has simply nowhere to go

Nothing to hold
Those tears you‘re crying

Time and time again you take me back in baby

You don‘t have to make it plain

This is not real love

Look at us dancing baby
Let‘s dance and show them all
(Dance and show them all)
How close we are
The lies have worked so far
So we go on deceiving

But darling don‘t you know the time
Baby, look at yourself, holding back the tide
Like you‘ve got something else up your sleeve
That‘s why I‘ve got to leave

And I don‘t think you should stay here tonight
(Baby don‘t you know that my flesh is weak, you know)
I simply I cannot sleep without you
But someday I‘ll have nothing to show
(Nothing to show)
(Nothing to show)
I‘ve nothing to hold

Oh, baby, crying
All those simple things that won‘t come again
Oh do I have to make it plain
This is not real love

And I said this is not real love
Real love
Baby it don‘t glisten and shine the way it used to

This is not real love (real love)
Baby think of all the promises I made on the day that I seduced you
Baby don‘t wait for me like some angel of tragedy
I have to set you free
Darling you should be long gone, oh long gone by now
You should be with someone, someone

Glisten and shine
You promised me

You‘ve gotta face it woman, you ain‘t ever gonna change me

Where will I go, what do I know
About life without you
You promised me you‘d never leave me, no
This is not real love

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