Yesterday | Imagine Dragons |


Testo Yesterday

Here's to my future
Here's to my yesterday
Here's to change, oh, here's to my yesterday
No tomorrow without a yesterday
Here's to my future
Goodbye to yesterday

All these years I've been searching
For who I'm supposed to be
All this time I've been wasting
'Cause I was right in front of me

Oh, it's a crooked old tradition
By a masterful magician
But in all this trouble I've met
I haven't got one single regret, no

Here's to my future
Here's to my yesterday
Here's to change, oh, here's to my yesterday
No tomorrow without a yesterday
Here's to my future
Goodbye to yesterday, yesterday

Oh, I'm a hopeless crash collision
'Cause I'm a hostage to my pride
By my own volition
I've been a saint, I've been the truth, I've been the lie

Oh, it's a crooked old tradition
By a masterful magician
But in all this trouble I've met
I haven't got one single regret, no

Here's to my future
Here's to my yesterday
Here's to change, oh, here's to my yesterday
No tomorrow without a yesterday
Here's to my future
Goodbye to yesterday, yesterday

A new day you can go,
you can do anything you wanna
It's your play, swing low,
go high anywhere you wanna
You can reach for the moon
Anywhere your dreams could take you
Go astray, fade away
Just leave it to yesterday

Here's to my future
Here's to my yesterday
Here's to change, oh, here's to my yesterday
No tomorrow without a yesterday
Here's to my future
Goodbye to yesterday, yesterday

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