Cloud 9 | Jamiroquai |

Cloud 9

Testo Cloud 9

You pick me up, then you put me down
Can‘t seem to find my way around ya
See what you think, when you don‘t think it now
You lost my love but someone found it
Now when the rain falls upon my head
I don‘t think of you that much at all
Just one thing seemed to make you care
Who‘s gonna drive and take you home?

Only a fool could walk away from me this time
I look up to heaven, every star I see is mine
Only a fool could walk away from me this time
I‘m walking on air, and every cloud is cloud 9

You get your kids playing stupid tricks
But I‘ve found another crush
(You got me now) Game, set and match,
Don‘t seem to be no catch
I don‘t think she‘ll drive me to the wall, ooh
We go out at night, and the world starts feeling right
She don‘t care about Hollywood
I know you don‘t believe it, but this time I really mean it
I hope it‘s clearly understood

Only a fool could walk away from me this time
I look up to heaven, every star I see is mine
Only a fool could walk away from me this time
I‘m walking on air, and every cloud is cloud 9

I‘m not the one, the one for you
Can‘t change it, baby
I‘m not the one, the one for you
I know it, baby
I‘m not the one, the one for you
Can‘t change it, baby
I‘m not the one, the one for you

Only a fool
Could walk away from me this time, yeah
I‘m not the one, the one for you

I look up to heaven
Every star I see is mine
I‘m not the one, the one for you

Only a fool, only a fool, could walk away
I‘m walking on air, and every cloud is cloud 9

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