Give Hate A Chance | Jamiroquai |

Give Hate A Chance

Testo Give Hate A Chance

Why can‘t we be together
Can‘t you love me, don‘t hate me
I don‘t see why can‘t we live together
Baby we can get it on
Maybe we can get along
Assure me, oh destiny
There‘s a cold streak living inside us
There‘s no rainbows, just bullets and bones

And if you wanna rise up
We can make this hate stop
Now, don‘t you wanna rise up?

We‘ve been giving hate a chance
We got all this love to give, you know
And my love will be running out for us
Can‘t you feel that there‘s a life
That hope that we can still survive
As the wind carries every different way

So why do we see these colours
It‘s only skin deep, don‘t mean a thing
So clear, I don‘t need this with or others

Can‘t you see its killing us
Can‘t you see its killing us
Can‘t you see its killing me
Trigger happy fantasies
So stand up and be so strong now
Freedom is not so far away
If you know you wanna rise up
We can make this hate stop
Now, don‘t you wanna rise up?

We‘ve been giving hate a chance
We got all this love to give you know
And my love will be running out for us
Can‘t you feel that there‘s a life
That hope that we can still survive
As the wind carries every different way

The wind carries every different way
The wind carries every different way
Every different way

Now you‘ve been taking
Our dignity for too long
I want to save this certainty that we hold
And who‘s right and who‘s wrong
We‘re not so different anyway
Words are in this song
Can‘t we stop the fighting? ‘cause

We‘ve been giving hate a chance
We got all this love to give you know
And my love will be running out for us
Can‘t you feel that there‘s a life
That hope that we can still survive
As the wind carries every different way

Don‘t give this hate a chance
We got all this love to give, you know
And this tree of life will still survive
Until no more people have to cry

I say, don‘t give this hate a chance
We got all this love to give, you know
And this tree of life will still survive
Until no more people have to cry

I say, don‘t give this hate a chance
We got all this love to give, you know
And this tree of life will still survive
Until no more people have to cry

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