St. Peter | Lost Frequencies |

St. Peter

Testo St. Peter

I‘m [?] far away
For nights and days
[?] silent they [?]
I‘m running
It‘s like your voice I hear
Into my face
Keeps drying my tears
I am climbing mountains high
No clouds in sight
Like my morning for years
Please love me again
My heart is aching
In my head, your voice is echoing

St. Peter shaking his head
He‘s saying "no, no, you‘re not ready yet"
St. Peter shaking his head
He‘s saying "no, no, you‘re not ready yet"
[Verse 2]
I don‘t see it clear
The memory of you keeps varying my view
I am lost, nowhere to go
The mountains [?]
They‘re playing tricks on my mind
You‘re not here by my side
You‘re further away, my hand far away from you
And I keep trying to forget
The racing youthful mind leaves nothing behind

St. Peter shaking his head
He‘s saying "no, no, you‘re not ready yet"
St. Peter shaking his head
He‘s saying "no, no, you‘re not ready yet"

St. Peter shaking his head
He‘s saying "no, no, you‘re not ready yet"
St. Peter shaking his head
He‘s saying "no, no, you‘re not ready yet"

I want you for myself
On my knees and then
I‘m begging please
Forgive my sins [?]
I can‘t [?] anymore
[?] for plans
Let me go

But St. Peter shaking his head
He‘s saying "no, no, you‘re not ready yet"
St. Peter shaking his head
He‘s saying "no, no, you‘re not ready yet"

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