Love & Hate | Michael Kiwanuka |

Love & Hate

Testo Love & Hate

Standing now
calling all the people here to see the show
calling for my deamons now to let me go
I need something, give me something wonderful

I believe
she won‘t take me somewhere I‘m not supposed to be
you can‘t steal the things that God has given me
no more pain and no more shame and misery

You can‘t take me down
You can‘t break me down
You can‘t take me down

You can‘t take me down
You can‘t break me down
You can‘t take me down

Love and hate
how much more are we supposed to tolerate?
Can‘t you see there‘s more to me than my mistakes?
sometimes I get this feeling, makes me hesitate

I believe
she won‘t take me somewhere I‘m not supposed to be
you can‘t steal the things that God has given me
no more pain and no more shame and misery

You can‘t take me down
You can‘t break me down
You can‘t take me down

You can‘t break me down
You can‘t take me down
You can‘t break me down

I can see a place of trouble
And I‘m on the verge
For the love of everybody
I need something more

And now I feel some days of trouble
I‘m in the house of war
For the love of everybody
Look behind the wall

Standing now
calling all the people here to see the show
calling all my demons now to let me go
I need something, give me something wonderful

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