Breakout | Miley Cyrus |


Testo Breakout

Every week‘s the same
Stuck in school‘s so lame
My parents say that I‘m lazy
Gettin‘ up at 8am‘s crazy
Tired of bein‘ told what to do
So unfair, so uncool

The day‘s too long
And I‘m holding on
Til I hear the bell ring
‘Cause that‘s the time when we‘re gonna (time when we‘re gonna)

Let the party start
We‘re gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We‘re gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We‘re gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We‘re gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go oh oh (go oh oh)

Hangin‘ out‘s
Just somethin‘ we like to do
My friends and the mess we get into
These are the lessons that we choose
Not a book full of things we‘ll never use

The day‘s too long
And I‘m holding on
Til I hear the bell ring
‘Cause that‘s the time when we‘re gonna (time when we‘re gonna)

Let the party start
We‘re gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We‘re gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We‘re gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We‘re gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go oh oh (go oh oh)

Wish it would never end
Spending time with my friends
Oh with my friends

Let the party start
We‘re gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We‘re gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We‘re gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We‘re gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go...

Let the party start
We‘re gonna stay out
Gonna break some hearts
We‘re gonna dance
Til the dance floor falls apart
Uh oh, all over again
We‘re gonna wake up
Everyone we know
We‘re gonna have some fun
Gonna lose control
It feels so good
To let go oh oh (go oh oh)

Playlist Spotify

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