Forgiveness and Love | Miley Cyrus |

Forgiveness and Love

Testo Forgiveness and Love

Imagining you‘re far awaySearching for the words to sayI feel it when you fall apartour lives are our greatest artI dont wanna change you mindCuz i accept you for everything you areand we‘ll beStay here with me nowThe only thing that our hearts are made ofare the acts of forgiveness and loveThe only thing real when push comes to shoveare the acts of forgiveness and loveCuz in the end no one losses or winsThe stories begin, again and againWith forgiveness and loveYou don‘t ever have to read my mindYou can see it when you close your eyesDon‘t believe it when you lose your faithAnother moment is a moment of waitI can‘t tell you what the futures holds, or how to liveAll i know is what these bright lights of my life again and againThe only thing that our hearts are made ofare the acts of forgiveness and loveThe only thing real when push comes to shoveare the acts of forgiveness and loveCuz in the end no one loses or winsThe stories begin, again and againWith forgiveness and loveLet‘s chop the Sun, let‘s find ForeverWhere does the Time go?Just live your life you get anothertoday is today is today‘s Forgiveness and LoveCuz in the end no one loses or winsThe stories begin, again and againWith forgiveness and loveLet‘s chop the SunLet‘s chop the SunLet‘s chop the Sun

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