Mixed Up | Miley Cyrus | Supertesti.it

Mixed Up

Testo Mixed Up

La la la
La di da di da da da
La la la

How come everything turns out
Leaving me with more doubts
I feel like I´m upside down
And I don´t wanna be here

I go right
Shoulda gone left
And I say things
I should of not said
Look at me in this big mess
I don´t wanna be here

Everything I do
Is making me more confused
Oh it used to be easy
All I had to be was me
Now I´m mixed up

Everywhere I go
Is somewhere that I don´t know
Oh I´m hoping that I´m dreaming
Cuz im sick of this feeling
I´m mixed up
Somebody help me

La la la
La di da

Tell me how to fix this
I´d trade my world for one wish
To go back to my other life
Oh and get it right

Everything I do
Is making me more confused
Oh it used to be easy
All I had to be was me
Now I´m mixed up

Everywhere I go
Is somewhere that I don´t know
Oh I´m hoping that I´m dreaming
Cuz im sick of this feeling
I´m mixed up
Could somebody help me

To hold me
To tell me
Everything´s gonna
Be okay
Cuz today
It feels like I won´t
Make it to the top now
Don´t know how to get outta this
I´m so mixed up
Can somebody help me

La la la

Everything I do
Is making me more confused
Oh it used to be easy
All I had to be was me
Now I´m mixed up

Everywhere I go
(Everywhere I go)
Is somewhere that I don´t know
(Somewhere I don´t know)
Oh I´m hoping that I´m dreaming
Cuz I´m sick of this feeling
I´m mixed up
Somebody help me
(Mixed up)

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