Tangerine | Miley Cyrus | Supertesti.it


Testo Tangerine

Sun Gods crest upon his azure shield
Shows you what you know, ain‘t what you feel
Shooting beam, blinding me
The sun is a giant spaceship tangerine
It shoots out rays of hopeful golden morphine
Shooting beam
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Shooting beam
As I stand before this holy sphere
It‘s singing me a song, I don‘t want to hear
Want to hear

Uh huh, yeah, yeah, woah
All I see is warm champagne
Confetti on the floor from last night still laying
The same playlist on my phone still playing
As my eyes strain, jealous of the sun, wishing I could do the same
Man, but how I‘m supposed rise though? When shit just hold me down
How I‘m supposed to shine man, through all the smoke and clouds?
I‘m on a trip, no luggage, no ticket
I‘m looking in the mirror and I‘m the only thing missing
I been tryna find myself, I feel so long distance
Made a promise to myself, I wouldn‘t just be a statistic
No, no, I‘m the one of the one on one‘s
Twenty some but my soul a hundred some
My mind‘s racing, it‘s racing
And honestly I can‘t remember what it‘s running from
I just hope that I come in one
Seems like everyone I know is getting married
Everyone else getting buried
Life should come with a sign saying
‘/‘Results may vary‘/‘
Straight up

I take my place along the memory
The sun‘s so high, it‘s rising in the heat
Try to fight the sunrise but it comes for you
Love is brighter than the fiery violent truth

Playlist Spotify

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