Spinning On An Axis | Paul McCartney | Supertesti.it

Spinning On An Axis

Testo Spinning On An Axis

World spinning round
To the next revolution
Sun going down
Gonna rise up again

I watch the sun go down
With some sorrow
And now I know it‘s gonna come back tomorrow
Ain‘t no reason
It has to do that
It‘s the season of the culture bat

Spinning on an axis
Spinning on an axis
Staring in the face
Of time and space
Spinning on an axis

World spinning round
To the next revolution
Sun going down
Gonna rise up again

Hear me rising
Rise up and sing, rise up, rise up

Although I‘m curious
It isn‘t a crime
I want to know if I‘ll
Find out in time
A lot of people busy doing their thing
Gonna wake up and sing

Spinning on an axis
Spinning on an axis
We ask the question
And the answer‘s yes
Spinning on an axis

I watch the sun go down
With some sorrow
And now I know it‘s gonna come back tomorrow
Ain‘t no reason why
It has to do that
It‘s the season of the culture bat

I watch the sun go down
Wonder if it‘s gonna come back
Certainly there‘s no guarantee
But I got a feeling it will be
Spinning on an axis
Spinning on an axis
Spinning on an axis
Spinning on, Spinning on an axis
Spinning on an axis

World spinning round
To the next revolution
Sun going down
Gonna rise up again

World spinning round
To the next revolution
Sun going down
Gonna rise up again
Gonna rise up
Gonna rise up
Gonna rise up
Gonna rise up

Playlist Spotify

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