Standing In The Shadows Of Love | Phil Collins |

Standing In The Shadows Of Love

Testo Standing In The Shadows Of Love

[Originally by The Four Tops]

Standing in the shadows of love
I‘m getting ready for the heartaches to come
Can‘t you see me standing in the shadows of love
I‘m getting ready for the heartaches to come

I wanna run but there‘s no way to go
‘Cause heartaches will follow me I know
Without your love, a love I need
It‘s the beginning of the end for me

‘Cuz you‘ve taken away all of my reasons for living
When you pushed aside all the love I‘ve been giving
Now wait a minute

Didn‘t I treat you right, now baby didn‘t I
Didn‘t I do the best I could, now didn‘t I, didn‘t I?

So don‘t you leave me standing in the shadows of love
I‘m getting ready for the heartaches to come
Don‘t you see me standing in the shadows of love
Trying the best to get ready for the heartaches to come

All alone I‘m destined to be
With misery my only company
It may come today, and it might come tomorrow
But it‘s for sure I‘ve ain‘t got nothing but sorrow

Now won‘t your conscience kinda bother you
How can you watch me cry after all I‘ve done for you?
Now hold on a minute

Gave you all the love I had, now didn‘t I
When you needed me I was always there, now wasn‘t I

Standing in the shadows of love
Getting ready for the heartaches to come
I‘m trying not to cry out loud
You know cryin‘, it ain‘t gonna help me none

What did I do to cause all this grief?
Now what did I say to make you wanna leave?
Now wait a minute

I gave my heart and soul to you now didn‘t I
And didn‘t I always treat you good now didn‘t I

I‘m standing in the shadows of love
I‘m getting ready for the heartaches to come
Don‘t you see me standing in the shadows of love
Trying the best to get ready for the heartaches to come

Oh, I‘m standing in the shadows of love

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