The Same Moon | Phil Collins |

The Same Moon

Testo The Same Moon

When the daylight comes and I look across the room,
I see you‘re gone.
As the morning breaks and I reach to hold your hand
I can see, see I‘m the only one.
Well, your clothes are gone and your bags are packed
but the bed‘s still warm where you lay
now I need your love to come shining through
to carry me, come carry me away.

If you choose a time, I‘ll catch the moon
I‘ll see you there
from wherever I am, wherever you are
we‘ll find somewhere.
I see the same stars in the same sky
shining down on you,
I‘ll be looking up from wherever I am
and it‘s you I‘ll see if you‘re looking too.

There‘ll be days that‘ll seem much longer,
some nights will seem so cold,
and it‘s gotta come soon - please don‘t be too long,
don‘t be too long.

If you choose a time, we can catch the moon
I‘ll see you there
Whenever it is, from wherever you are
oh we‘ll find, yes we‘ll find somewhere.
are you looking at the same moon?

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