Show Me The Way | Ringo Starr |

Show Me The Way

Testo Show Me The Way

After all this time we've had to share
The better life I've had 'cos your still there
I need to show you just how much I care

There were times, wasn't always easy
But we got through, nice to know
I'm back to face another day with you

There was joy sung for you
We've held hands for all these many years
We've hung around and wiped each other's tears
Once again, I'm glad to have you by my side
Our love, it never ends
I'm blessed to spend another day with you

As I look up to the sky
The sun begins to fade
I asked in all the questions, how and why
I turn to see your face
The years have all gone by
Your always there to show me the way

Everything must change
From bad to good we cast away these chains
If I had to do it all again
With you by my side,
Darkness always turns into the light

As I look up to the sky
The sun begins to fade
I asked in all the questions, how and why
As I turn to see your face
The years have all flown by
Your always there to show me the way

As I look up to the sky
And the sun begins to fade
I asked in all the questions, how and why
I turn to see your face
The years have all flown by
Your always there to show me the way

Playlist Spotify

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