Twenty Two Days | Roy Orbison |

Twenty Two Days

Testo Twenty Two Days

Oh it‘s been 22 lonely blue days without a word from you and 44 million more tears I‘ve cried since you walked through that door The sun never reaches my doorstep each empty day seems to be the same You‘ve broken your vow but I still love you now, oh this love of mine is a one way losing game And it‘s been 22 lonely blue days without a word from you and 44 million more tears I‘ve cried since you walked through that door The dreams that we share are gone forever but I still have a little hope in my heart Is this the way it ends? Are we to be both friends? Oh I can‘t go on if we‘re to be apart And it‘s been 22 lonely blue dayswithout a word from you and 44 million more tears I‘ve cried since you walked through that door yeah 22 days since you walked through that door ah 22 days since you walked through that door yeah 22 days since you walked through that door mmmm 22 days since you walked through that door

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