Julie | Take That | Supertesti.it


Testo Julie

Julie, what‘s your problem?
Won‘t you tell me, what‘s going on?
Cause there‘s a dark cloud, hanging over you.
You‘ve been down, down, down too long.

You used to sing sha lalalalala I want you, sing, sha lalalalala I do.
There‘s a band outside, and they‘re playing now, for you, for you.

Julie, come to your window.
Don‘t let your problems, spoil the view.
It‘s not a good thing, to cry today.
So come on change change change, come through the door.

You used to sing sha lalalalala I want you, sing, sha lalalalala I do.
There‘s a band outside and they‘re playing now for you.
You used to sing sha lalalalala I want you, sing sha lalalalala I do.
There‘s a band outside and they‘re playing now for you, for you.

Why why why do you cry cry cry?
You should know by now that the sun comes up for you.
Why why why do you cry cry cry?
You should know now that the sun comes up for you, that the sun comes up for you.

You used to sing sha lalalalala I want you, sing, sha lalalalala I do.
There‘s a band outside and they‘re playing now, for you, for you.
You used to sing sha lalalalala I want you, sing, sha lalalalala I do.
There‘s a band outside and they‘re playing now, for you, for you.
Sha lalalalala I want you, sha lalalalala I do.

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