Hey You | Tokio Hotel | Supertesti.it

Hey You

Testo Hey You

Come on, you can look at me
I don‘t need to fit in
Stand up if you give a damn
It‘s the livin‘ season
You and what your looking for, have you got a reason
You can if you wanna see, a touch amout of human

The same blood
The same cells
The same god
The same hell
The same life
The same love
Somebody, anybody, everybody stand up

Hey, you
we can turn it up
Hey, you
we can turn it up

You know, noones listening
They don‘t wanna hear it
Saying, what you wanna say
people start to fear it

The same fist
The same shout
The same pain
The same doubt
The same joy
The same love
Somebody, anybody, everybody stand up

Hey, you
We can turn it up
Hey, you
We can turn it up

Silence has been killing you
Screaming deep inside of you
Just turn it up
Just turn it up

All that you‘ve got
Just let it out
Ready or not
Just turn it up, louder
Don‘t let it stop, louder
Just turn it up, louder
Whats making you hot, louder
Just turn it up

Come on, you can look at me
I don‘t need to fit in
You can if you wanna see, just a touch of human

The same blood
The same cells
The same god
The same hell
The same life

The same love
Sombody, anybody, everybody stand up

Hey, you
We can turn it up
Hey, you
We can turn it up

Silence has been killing you
Screaming deep inside of you
Just turn it up
Just turn it up

Silence has been killing you
Screaming deep inside of you
Just turn it up
Just turn it up

All that you‘ve got
Just let it out
Ready or not
Just turn it up

Playlist Spotify

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