Humanoid | Tokio Hotel |


Testo Humanoid

"Against the love
Against the faith
Against the sun
Against the night

Against the rules
Against the force
Against the wall
Against it all

Oh no..
I‘m Humanoid (Oh Whoa oh)
I‘m Humanoid (Oh Whoa oh)

Give me life
Give me air
Or I‘ll be done
But I don‘t care

I hunt my shadow
But it‘s too fast

Give me more
Give me more
Can‘t get enough

I‘m Humanoid (Oh Whoa oh)
I‘m Humanoid (Oh Whoa oh)
I‘m Humanoid (Make it better)
I‘m Humanoid (Won‘t you come back?)
Take me away
Re-lieve the pain

I‘ve dug myself in too many holes
Foolish and I know
Loneliness hurts

Hold me
I‘m drowning
Hold me

I‘m done with senses
I‘m done with reasons
I‘m done with questions
I‘m done with feeling
done with bleeding

Oh Nooo..

I‘m Humanoid (Oh Whoa oh)
I‘m Humanoid (Oh Whoa oh)
I‘m Humanoid (Make it better)
I‘m Humanoid (Won‘t you come back?)
Take me away
Re-lieve the pain

Doh-don‘t hurt me
Don‘t say
Tomorrow (tomorrow)

I‘ve dug myself in too many holes
Foolish and I know
Loneliness hurts
Help me
I‘m drowning
Hold me

Give something, I can feel it
Show me something, I can see

Help me
(I‘m drowning)
Help me

Against the love
Against the faith
Against the wall
Against it all"

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