Stay Friends | Tokio Hotel |

Stay Friends

Testo Stay Friends

You are what I don‘t wanna be
You rather be dead than being Bill
Tokio So you too - You don‘t have to thank me
I got no idea what it is
Hotel What makes me sick when you‘re there
Damn butthead do not take it personal
I don‘t talk such shit like you do
I don‘t go for the same bands like you do
Friends That is okay with me
But do me only this one favour
Please let‘s keep on to not stay friends
I prefer that we don‘t like each other
Songtext Never have the same opinion
Is better to brown-nose each other
Lyrics Let‘s please keep on to not stay friends

That is also okay with you
Lyric Isn‘t it
Without guys like you and me
It would be humdrum
I have to see you every day
And the others who do understand
Liedertext You are the coolest among complete idiots
Rivetchains and tatoo
Mummy endorsed all of that
Alle In return you wear daddy‘s long johns

I don‘t wear such shit like you
Tokio I don‘t go for the same girls like you
That is okay with me
Hotel But do me only this one favour

Please let‘s keep on to not stay friends
Stay I prefer that we don‘t like each other
Never have the same opinion
Friends Is better to brown-nose each other
Let‘s please keep on to not stay friends
That is also okay with you
Isn‘t it
Without guys like you and me
Songtext It would be so humdrum

Don‘t act so nice else you‘ll really get
Lyrics I still got a well-ment advice for you

Please let‘s keep on to not stay friends
Lyric I prefer that we don‘t like each other
Never have the same opinion
Liedertexte Is better to brown-nose each other
Let‘s please keep on to not stay friends
Please let‘s keep on to not stay friends
I prefer that we don‘t like each other
Alle Never have the same opinion
Is better to brown-nose each other
Tokio Let‘s please keep on to not stay friends

That is also okay with you
Hotel Isn‘t it
Without guys like you and me
It would be so humdrum
Stay no friends
Stay no friends at all
Stay no friends
Friends Stay no friends at all

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