Explanation | Train | Supertesti.it


Testo Explanation

What‘s your explanation
‘Cause everybody got one
What‘s your expectation
I know you got some of those too

Are you one to fly with the creatures that always burn up in the flame
Or are you one to sing with the creatures that make up the rules to the game

I wont get hung up, strung up on the reasons why
If you knew me better, baby you would change your mind
And leave it all behind
What‘s your explanation

What‘s your favorite color, your sign
Your basic sense of style and date of birth

Who‘s gonna win your heart and when your heart‘s been won
And when your hearts been won is it still your daddy first

Are you one to dance to the rhythm or break till the pain shakes loose
Or are you one to cry
Oh, but you stay dry all night long

I wont hung up, strung up on the reasons why
If I knew you better, maybe I could change your mind
If you knew me better, maybe you will change your mind
And leave it all behind
What‘s your explanation

Are you one to fly with the creatures that always burn up in the flame
Or are you one to sing with the creatures that make up the rules to the game

What‘s your explanation
What‘s your explanation
What‘s your explanation
‘Cause everybody got one
‘Cause everybody got one
Everybody got one

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