Loverman | Train |


Testo Loverman

All night long I‘ll wait for my loverman
Wait for my loverman
Wait for my loverman
All night long I‘ll wait for my loverman
‘Cause only my loverman can

I been out to sea so long, that I‘m not sure if she still wants me
Sure if she still loves me
Sure if she‘s still there

Will I see her light?
Will it reach out and find me across the starry sky?
Will she play our song when I get home?
Baby, put that record on

All night long I‘ll wait for my loverman
Wait for my loverman
Wait for my loverman
All night long I‘ll wait for my loverman
‘Cause only my loverman can

Since I wandered off the grid, I been tryna‘ find my way back
Tryna‘ catch a wave, Jack
To my lovergirl

Will I see her light?
Will it reach out and find me across the starry sky?
Will she play our song when I get home?
Baby, put that record on

All night long I‘ll wait for my loverman
Wait for my loverman
Wait for my loverman
All night long I‘ll wait for my loverman
‘Cause only my loverman can

Make you happy, make you smile
Make you feel like you ain‘t felt in a while
Make you breakfast, make you proud
Make you feel like you could float on a cloud

Will I see her light?
Will it reach out and find me across the starry sky?
Will she play our song when I get home?
Baby, put that record on

All night long I‘ll wait for my loverman
Wait for my loverman
Wait for my loverman
All night long I‘ll wait for my loverman
‘Cause only my loverman can

When he gets here, I‘m gonna let him know
I‘m gonna tell him, so
What a lovergirl is for
All night long I‘ll wait for my loverman
‘Cause only my loverman can

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