Lights Of Home | U2 |

Lights Of Home

Testo Lights Of Home

Shouldn‘t be here ‘cause I should be dead
I can see the lights in front of me
I believe my best days are ahead
I can see the lights in front of me
Oh Jesus if I‘m still your friend

What the hell
What the hell you got for me
I gotta get out from under my bed
To see again the lights in front of me
Hey I‘ve been waiting to get home a long time

Hey now, do you know my name?
Hey now, where I‘m going?
If I can‘t get an answer
In your eyes I see it
The lights of home
The lights of home

I was born from a screaming sound
I can see the lights in front of me
I thought my head was harder than ground
I can see the lights in front of me
One more push and I‘ll be born again
One more road you can‘t travel with a friend
Saw a statue of a gold guitar
Bright lights right in front of me
Hey, I‘ve been waiting to get home a long time

Hey now, do you know my name?
Hey now, where I‘m going?
If I can‘t get an answer
In your eyes I see it
The lights of home
In the lights of home

Hey now, do you know my name?
Hey now, where I‘m going?
If I can‘t get an answer
In your eyes I see it
In your eyes alone
I see the lights of home

Free yourself to be yourself
If only you could you see yourself
If only you could
Free yourself to be yourself
If only you could see yourself
If only you could
Free yourself to be yourself
If only you could see yourself
If only you could
Free yourself to be yourself
If only you could see yourself
If only you could see

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