City Of Blinding Lights | U2 |

City Of Blinding Lights

Testo City Of Blinding Lights

The more you see the less you knowThe less you find out as you goI knew much more then than I do nowNeon heart dayglo eyesA city lit by firefliesThey‘re advertising in the skiesFor people like usAnd I miss you when you‘re not aroundI‘m getting ready to leave the ground...Ooh ooh oohOoh ooh oohOh you look so beautiful tonightIn the city of blinding lightsDon‘t look before you laughLook ugly in a photographFlash bulbs purple irisesThe camera can‘t seeI‘ve seen you walk unafraidI‘ve seen you in the clothes you madeCan you see the beauty inside of me?What happened to the beauty I had inside of meAnd I miss you when you‘re not aroundI‘m getting ready to leave the groundOoh ooh oohOoh ooh oohOh you look so beautiful tonightIn the city of blinding lightsTime... time time timeWon‘t leave me as I amBut time won‘t take the boy out of this manOh you look so beautiful tonightOh you look so beautiful tonightOh you look so beautiful tonightIn the city of blinding lightsThe more you know the less you feelSome pray for others stealBlessings are not just for the ones who kneel... luckily

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