(Oh) Pretty Woman | Van Halen | Supertesti.it

(Oh) Pretty Woman

Testo (Oh) Pretty Woman

Pretty woman, walking down the street,Pretty woman, the kind Id like to meet,
Pretty woman, I dont believe you it must be true,
No one could look as good as you
Pretty woman wont you pardon me,Pretty woman I couldnt help but see,
Pretty woman, Oh you look lovely as you could be,
Are you lonely just lik me
Pretty woman stop a while,Pretty woman talk a while,
Pretty woman give your smile to me
Pretty woman yeah yeah yeah,Pretty woman look my way,
Pretty woman say you‘ll stay with me,
Cause I need you,need you tonight
Pretty woman dont walk on by,Pretty woman dont make me cry,
Pretty woman dont walk away, yeah, ok
If thats the way it must be, ok
I guess Ill go home,its late,maybe tomorrow night...
But wait.. what do i see..
She‘s walking back to me
Pretty woman.

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