Best Of Both Worlds | Van Halen |

Best Of Both Worlds

Testo Best Of Both Worlds

I don‘t know what I been livin‘ on but it‘s
Not enough to fill me up
I need more than just words can say
I need everything this life can give me
Come on baby close your eyes let go
This can be everything we‘ve dreamed
It‘s not work, that makes it work no
Let the magic do the work for you
Chorus 1:
Cause something heached out and touched me
Now I see that all I want...
Chorus 2:
I want the best of both worlds
And baby I know what it‘s worth
We can have have the best of both worlds a little
Heaven right here on earth There‘s a picture in the gallery of a
Fallen angel looked alot like you
We forget where we come from sometimes
I had a dream it was really you
Chorus 1
Chorus 2
You don‘t have to die to go to heaven
Or hang around to be born again
Just tune into what this place has got to offer
Cause we may never be here again
Chorus 2

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