If Everyone Was Listening | Supertramp | Supertesti.it

If Everyone Was Listening

Testo If Everyone Was Listening

The actors and jesters are here
The stage is in darkness and clear
For raising the curtain
and no-one‘s quite certain whose play it is
How long ago, how long
If only we had listened then.
If we‘d known just how right we were going to be.
For we dreamed a lot
And we schemed a lot
And we tried to sing of love before the stage fell apart.

If everyone was listening you know
There‘d be a chance that we could save the show
Who‘ll be the last clown
To bring the house down?
Oh no, please no, don‘t let the curtain fall

Well, what is your costume today?
Who are the props in your play?
You‘re acting a part which you thought from the start
was an honest one.
Well how do you plead?
An actor indeed!
Go re-learn your lines,
You don‘t know what you‘ve done
The finale‘s begun.

If everyone was listening you know
There‘d be a chance that we could save the show,
Who‘ll be the last clown
To bring the house down?
Oh no, please no, don‘t let the curtain fall.

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